Last Sunday Andy took us to visit a friend who spends his summers on a private sandy island in the middle of the bay. He lives there with his dog, Hershey, working on the custom-made rods and fishing flies that he creates - and chasing off trespassers who can't seem to read the privacy signs posted.

The house is surrounded by beauty - grasses and water - visited by egrets and ducks, and is close enough to the main Island to scoot over by boat in a few minutes for supplies or lunch.

I did notice a TV inside, but he has no desire to have internet to avoid spending all his time on-line. After all, e-bay is a great place to locate fishing tackle and supplies.

I would absolutely love to spend a summer here. I'm sure that by the time the fall hunting season rolled around I would be ready to head back to more solid ground. There are several duck blinds among the grasses that must get good use. But my favorite scenery is the golden fall grasses against the slate grey bay waters - followed closely by the summer grasses on the water. This is one spectacular island.