One of the most popular activities on a sunny summer's day - at least for those with access to a small craft - is "going out to the sandbar." It entails some planning and knowledge of the tide charts, for the available space on any sandbar decreases drastically with the high tide, and some disappear altogether. There's almost always someone who doesn't get it quite right and ends up beached as the tide goes down. The Barnegat Shoals have been known for centuries as a great place to run aground, and towing services are always cruising the area looking for clients.

"Going out to the sandbar" means packing up the coolers, the kids, the dogs, the horseshoes and frizbees, sandchairs and other beach equipment, and heading out at just the right time to stake your claim to some waterfront property - while leaving the boat adaquately anchored to allow for a smooth exit when the time come

s. There is no required activity - just sunning and swimming and socializing.
You can also get to enjoy the bayside view of the island and of Old Barney guarding the Inlet.