We have a monitor with live feeds from the top of the lighthouse. Those who can not - or choose not to - climb the 217 steps to the top can enjoy the views, north, south, east and west, from the air conditioned comfort of the Interpretive Center.

Other panels provide details on the history of Barnegat Lighthouse, the ecology of barrior islands and a typical day in the life of a lighthouse keeper.
We have a model of the keepers' house

which once stood at the base of Old Barney, but was lost to erosion by the waves. There were three separate quarters in the house for the 3 keepers and their families. It required 3 eight-hour shifts to keep the light burning 24 hours a day.

And there is our "beach buggy" free for use by those who cannot walk through the sand on their own. Any visit to the State Park is sure to be a bit more enjoyable - and educational - due to the efforts of the volunteer staff and the Interpretive Center.