The dune area between our houses and the ocean is lovingly preserved. We all know that another big storm will visit us someday - hurricane or nor'easter - and the dunes are our first and only line of defense. For many years there

have been campaigns to gather used Christmas trees (natural, of course) to bury in the sand. Dune grasses and other indigenous plants have been reintroduced. The fortunate result of much work and investment is the unique dune area - a world between the streets and the ocean. Many plants, such as this Queen Anne's Lace have come to make their home here, and the beginnings of a restored maritime forest area can be enjoyed.

The natural vegetation is a much better protection for the dunes - and for the homes behind them - than the old snow fences, now abandoned, which ran along between the grass on practically bare sand dunes when I was here as a child in an attempt to keep us off the dunes. I can remember climbing and rolling down the dunes on nighttime treks along the beach, tremendous fun, but not very ecologically sound, and no longer permitted.

Sunrise over the dunes.