What we intended to do yesterday, before becoming involved in the reclamming, was to take you for a stroll down Bayview, from 12th St. to where it ends at 6th.

Here you see our model next to the municipal ramp at 10th, where we left him yesterday. The reclamming activity was just behind the ramp office shack.

From 10th St. up to 7th you find docking facilities for small boats and several businesses which rent out boats and supply necessities for day fishermen. We highly recommend Kelly’s. Ask for Angie, and get to see some of her artwork while you’re there.

Just past Kelly’s is the Coast Guard Station. Our model is now posed in front of a view of the Coast Guard docks where a variety of sea craft are harbored. Th

e Coast Guard is kept busy saving small craft boaters from themselves, and from the inlet breakers.
Bayview ends at 6th Street where there is a marina for larger boats. You can charter a party boat here, or arrange for parasailing over the bay. The ever-present lighthouse can be seen to the north, but you can’t really get there from here, at least not directly. Yo

u have to go one block east and then north to the Light. If you like you can cut across the lot of the old coffee shack to save a few steps.