It is the bay that gives the island it's special character - makes it a different sort of sea coast. We have water on all sides, not just the to the east. And I have to admit that when all is said and done I am a bay person. I love the ocean views, the dunes, the waves, the sun rises - but it is the bay view that truly nourishes my spirit. As I come through these grasslands, arriving at or leaving the island, I find myself smiling and relaxing no matter what I had in my head or heart a few minutes ago. And so my farewell views of the island will be these of the winter grasses against the bay. I find it impossible to fait

hfully capture them either on film or in paint - and they have complet

ely escaped any expression in glass. The light, the shades of grasses, water and sky need to be seen and breathed in without any translation. I wish that we may all have that opportunity in the near future.