our island: Out the front door

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Out the front door

When I was visiting Sanibel Island earlier this summer, Aloha asked me what our island looks like. It's similar to Sanibel in many ways due to it's island lifestlye, but the vegitation is quite different. Barnegat Light is at the northern tip of Long Beach Island, six miles off the coast of Ocean County, New Jersey.

We live on 12th Street, where there is one block of houses west of the main street that runs up and down the island, and one block of houses to the east, towards the ocean. Our house is on the western block, with just two others between us and the bay.

Our front yard and much of the surroundings are what Christmas looks like in the summer - full of pines, spruces, cedars and hollys. We sweep up pine cones and needles and puncture our bare feet on holly leaves.


Blogger Jim Sylvester, DMD said...

Nice intro. Looks like a great place to escape from global predicaments. Enjoy!


3:08 PM  
Blogger Jane said...

Mayo sent these comments - I don't think they need to be translated for any of those I sent the link to.
Los Fonseca Nava hemos estado en la isla en dos oportunidades. Ciertamente es uno de esos sitios tranquilos, pacíficos, ideales para relajarse, caminar y disfrutar de la playa. El sitio da la oportunidad de pensar qué quieres hacer en las próximas horas y lograr hacerlo sin tener que hacer reservaciones o preocuparte por tu atuendo. Relax total!! Ah, y me olividaba mencionar las mazorcas de maíz, espectaculares, jugosas y gordotas!!

10:24 PM  
Blogger Rafael said...

This is what happens when you give an artist some time off and a digital camera. I think it great and you should post frequently on living the island experience. I remember a book that either Aloha gave you or viceversa that articulated what's different about island people. Make us all share in the trip!

9:58 AM  

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